marți, 1 martie 2011

so hollow now

The way home
Lined with all the things that you have learned.
The way home...
The lights are on, but we're still getting burned.
Show to me,
The way I found the grey lines honed.
So hollow now... show's over now...
The way I'm lighting all the faces you have turned.
The way is high.
Glad to know the greatest thing I knew... I always knew.
So hollow now...
Show's over now...
And I've wasted time on daylight...
I won't be knocked down, show the way.
(I've only time now)
So hollow now...
Show's over now...
And I've wasted time on daylight...
I won't be shown the way home.

2 comentarii:

bandi spunea...

Pt el n-ai mai stat prin scotia... ciudat ca eu ascultam melodia asta astazi in drum spre lucru :)

Lenore spunea...

Pai am aflat despre concertele lui Devin din UK dupa ce imi luasem biletele de avion. Asa ca a ramas pe data viitoare :P.

Cat despre ascultat muzica, o sa ascult si eu acum din nou ultimul EP live al lui Devin. Ma distreaza cum injura nebunul intre piese :D.